Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BioShock 3D (PC vs Mobile)

So I came up with few screenshots that compare the PC/Console version of the critically acclaimed game - BioShock to the 3D mobile versio. I was the lead game designer on this.
Those who are having plugin issues can follow this link: https://goo.gl/photos/NP8Jnskq2YiV8DqA6

Before you get all judgemental, here's more technical details that compares the versions.
(Thanks to hubby- Arjun Nair, also Producer of BioShock 3D Mobile)

Know more about the mobile version of BioShock here.


  1. hey that nice to see you put up the behind the scene event(Bioshock- A mammoth project what i prefer to cal it), lots of hard work. team got shuffled during project me and lots people went into different project but you guys managed it out.Great job puri.Congo

  2. Bioshock3D was a very good project indeed. Although it got bit hectic but I guess we all needed a project like this. It disclosed many hidden secrets of life :).
    Well I like your expression "Ha ha" for low end phones. Trust me it was no fun :). Biggest challenge was to implement and fine tune both glHint(GL_FASTEST) and glHint(GL_NICEST) :D because Bioshock3D was one Big Triangle Soup.

  3. @somesh: ya, we all went thru a lot of team changes and studio changes...and ya def a mammoth project!

    @pradip: lolz... the 'Ha ha' was by Arjun. That technical part is a small extract from the NASSCOM gaming summit presentation by him.
    Hidden secrets! talents, everything was revealed!!
    Fast and nice! too much wasn't it :D

  4. Will be a version for symbian devices?

  5. From what my friends say, I don't think so :)
